We all want a cosmetic younger than their actual age. You always have the question of whether there is a magic bullet that can ensure young inside yourself?

Skin care gets young skin is working with treatment with against age.

1. Make sure your skin is clean and

You could say that this is the work that you do. But there are a lot of skin problems occur due to less cleaning. Because beauty is not saved congested pores, which can cause skin rashes, itching, rash, red and black head. Moreover Wash did pretty good nutrition and circulation of the inner layer of the skin might also be too bad. But you do not have an acne-containing substances that can irritate skin, such as manganese balance and alcohol. If your skin is dry or oily, you will need to take care of him more perfectly. Overall, wash, clean and wash out the cleaning of the face is the first step to get a beautiful skin absolutely.

2. Be careful in areas vulnerable

Over the course of your skin care with special attention to some of the themes that it will soon start showing Testament than any other area of ​​the face or on the body. Those areas include the neck, the skin around the eyes and skin. The skin around the eyes is very thin and vulnerable to conflict. It could be easily torn and slow. So you have to wash out the cosmetics and creams gently.

3. Papaya

Ripe papaya is a fruit that contain vitamin C, carotene (carotene), minerals and enzymes papain in large quantities. They made these fruits contain moisturizing and skin great.

Unlike other formulas beauty Papaya is very easy to apply and it does not need to be ground to powder, cocktails or take out. What you do is close the exterior shell and painted it directly onto your face down other conditions. Doing so can cause the pores in your skin and make the skin softer and shiny. And if you do it regularly, it will make your skin clean and protect the old wrinkled old mark.

4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a good source of a variety of lycopene, a pigment found in plants with antioxidants. National lycopene, not only of the National Cholesterol etc better and protect against heart disease, it can also maintain the equilibrium of the changing forms of oxygen molecules produced by UV rays that cause skin aging.

5. Apply lemon juice

Cleaning the skin with an acid such as lemon juice can help reduce the fat on the face. It is not advised to wash the face with lemon juice, 2 times a week. Acid in the fruit will help to open the pores and remove the oil from the outer layer of skin.